Blast Analytics and Marketing

Insights + Action

Supporting Leaders to EVOLVE

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Imagine Your World Where Data Makes Sense

Where dashboards and visualizations help answer important business questions. Where insights clearly guide what you should, or shouldn’t, do. Where you can more quickly act and add value. Where you’re confident in your decisions, and it shows in your results. Where you’re equipped to EVOLVE your organization by doing more of what works, and less of what doesn’t.

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With Blast as your partner, analytics consulting and digital marketing translates directly to Insights + Action — meaning you’ll not only gain strategic recommendations to accelerate and improve decision making, you’ll have access to solutions that drive real strategy, real change, and real improvement.

Connecting Insights + Action

Many organizations continue to focus on collecting as much data as they can, yet having vast amounts of data is not the same as developing insights that can help guide decision making, action, and growth. Sustainable business success is dependent on acting more strategically and faster than the competition. Your ability to turn data into Insights + Action is the key to achieving this.

Insights are about getting answers to important business questions, before making decisions or taking action. Whether it’s asking;

  • How is my organization performing against the competition?
  • Who are our most profitable customers?
  • What content is driving the most traffic?
  • What channels are (under) performing?

Or any other specific question, you want facts and conclusions. That’s where Blast’s expertise in business analyticsdigital analytics, and marketing analytics delivers.

Armed with such insights, based on both qualitative and quantitative data, you can drive action with a much higher likelihood of success. From paid media management to testing and personalization services to search engine optimization (SEO) consulting and other content marketing services, Blast will help you take action that shows measurable, meaningful results across your organization. Because without action, you aren’t creating a Return On Analytics Investment (ROAI).

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…without ACTION, you aren’t creating a Return On Analytics Investment (ROAI)
revenue profit iconIncreasing revenue and profitability

customer retention iconImproving customer satisfaction and retention

questions iconStrengthening employee engagement

tools iconRedesigning business processes

coding iconImplementing new technology and systems

data explore iconEstablishing new business units

testing roadmap iconMaximizing organizational performance

personalize audience iconRetaining and recruiting top talent

customer satisfaction iconImproving organizational leadership

They set up our web analytics and dashboards, and coached us on how to use the data to make smarter business decisions. Most importantly, they closed the ROI tracking loop for us. They configured our analytics to connect the dots from marketing spend to actual revenue in a way we never could before. This is the holy grail for marketers, and we couldn’t have gotten there without the folks at Blast.

Robb Holmstrom
VP, Online Acquisition Marketing Manager

Right Information, Right People

Right Information, Right People

Chances are, you’re part of a larger leadership and decision-making group, requiring collaboration and alignment with overall business goals. A key to turning insights into action is making sure you deliver the right information, to the right people, at the right time. This can come in different forms — from a single metric to an executive dashboard to a detailed report distributed to your key stakeholders.

The format and presentation is a critical factor in how useful the information will be. To that end, Blast’s data management and data visualization experts work closely with you to present insights in a clear, concise, and interesting way. Turning your data into more valuable reporting enables you to more easily share, discuss, and gain buy-in for action.


“Think Before Acting”

We’ve been told since we were kids to think before making decisions or taking action, and the same applies in business. In fact, that’s the foundational concept of Insights + Action: gather the facts, understand their meaning, and then make sound, confident decisions on what to do.

Following a proven methodology honed over for nearly 20 years — Strategy, Implementation, Optimization, Training (SIOT) — Blast will guide you through the steps to turn insights into action to derive maximum impact. And we’ll do so at your pace, to meet your requirements and timelines, while ensuring you’re not missing any opportunity to EVOLVE your organization.

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Make Your Mark

To gain competitive advantage and sustainable success in today’s business environment, you need to make better, faster decisions, and then take action. Leveraging analytics to power actionable insights will help you Make Your Mark by strengthening your position as a leader within your organization and, most importantly, delivering greater business results.

Ready To Do More With Your Data?

If you have questions or you’re ready to discuss how Blast can help you EVOLVE your organization, talk to an Analytics Consultant today.

Call 1 (888) 252-7866 or contact us below.